Basic Membership
08 May 2024 – 07 May 2025
1 Year

In return for an annual membership fee of $150, you will receive 10% off the cost of all retreats, courses, and workshops.

More importantly, your support will allow us to continue our efforts to:

  • Source expert teachers from all over the world.
  • Offer bursaries to those in financial need.
  • Foster dialogue between contemplatives and scientists, philosophers, artists, and the general public about key issues affecting our individual and collective wellbeing.
  • Offer a program of events designed to bring to the community a synthesis of contemplative, scientific and creative perspectives and practices that cultivate wellbeing.
  • Create a more harmonious, peaceful society based on the integration of contemplative practices into everyday urban life.

As a fledgling not for profit charity dedicated to providing a space for contemplation in the 21st century, we very much depend upon a community of supportive members.